I found a couple of interesting facts about Shadow of the Colossus. Apparently, the designers initially planned for there to be over 40 colossi in the game. Given that there are only 16 in the game (with an 8 hour average play time), 40 colossi would have been really amazing. If you think about it though, the game might have suffered with that many colossi. Time and money constraints rule above all in the game industry. Keep in mind, SotC took roughly 4 years to make. To make the game as unique as it is, not to mention make 40 unique colossi, would have taken the development team at least 6 or so years to do. I'm happy with the way SotC is, and so should you. We could always hope for a director's cut edition. =)
Here are some pics of colossi that were cut out of the final game.

Here's a picture of the 3rd colossus in his prefinal in-game-model. Note the much thicker armor.

Here's a
preview trailer that shows some of the left out colossi. I wonder why they were left out of the game when they seemed to already have AI, models, etc. already completed.
Finally, here's a post on
GameFAQs that ties (or tries to) SotC to the Bible. While GameFAQs may not be the best source for acurate information, it still is interesting to read.
Needless to say, I'm having fun searching for info about this game.
edit: Here's
Wikipedia's entry for Shadow of the Colossus. (note:
severe spoilers ahead)
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