Having worked in the testing division of the game industry I can see why it got overlooked. I would have never thought that deleting a savefile would affect another game's savefile. I do remember seeing something similar at work (Eron may remember what I'm referring to), but it was nothing close to this. IMO, there's a really stupid/sloppy programmer working on the Project Soul team at Namco Japan. The tip-off should have been that the game autosaves after every single versus battle. UGH!
I'm not so much concerned about the SC3 data on my memory card. If that gets corrupted it's no big deal - at least to me. I'm more concerned about the other data on my memory card. There's countless hours of gaming saved on that memory card and I'd be seriously pissed if SC3 caused it all to become corrupt.
It reminds me of a previous incident about savefile deletion. Earlier this year, the Viewtiful Joe 2 demo on the OPM demo disc would delete the saved data off the memory card in slot 1. Who knows why a demo has to access the memory card. But for whatever reason, it severely pissed off a lot of people.
Needless to say, I'm kinda scared to play SC3 now.
Penny Arcade agrees with me...
They think Perfect Dark Zero sucks ass,
1 comment:
Yes... deletion of one file may not delete, corrupt, affect, or render other files useless.
Standard test, man.
Whoever coded that game needs to be fired. The testing team also needs to be fired. And, the crew who did first party testing gets no bonus, no pizza, and no free donuts.
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