Most importantly, I have finally secured a new job! No more temporary/contract employment for me. Full time employee baby! =D
I'm still a part of the gaming industry, but instead of development, I'm going to be in digital retail. Specifically, as their DRM Admin. It's pretty neat stuff and a very exciting opportunity as digital retail is growing very rapidly.
I guess I was looking in all the wrong places. Game development is harsh. Programming, designing, and even QA are all very selective and strict. They're tough jobs to get, and even harder to keep. For many months now, I was trying to be a part of that. Temp work isn't satisfying to me, so it was time to move on.

Aside from getting a new job, I've been very active playing WoW. I figured that with a new job, I wouldn't get to play as much so I'm enjoying it while I still can. The best part is that I finally got my epic weapon: Benediction. It took me three attempts on the quest before I was able to get my weapon. Not too bad, I guess. Guildie of mine had like 12 attempts... poor guy.
Have I mentioned how kick ass, MGS3: Subsistence's online mode is? If not, it rocks. The gameplay is seemless from the single player story. They didn't dumb down the gameplay to FPS style, nor did they add anything that would break the MGS formula. Bliss.
Keeping my new found enjoyment of getting gamers to enjoy their games, I wrote a FAQ for MGS3's online mode. I wrote it to help people with their problems of getting online and not being able to host games. I think it worked out pretty well, as I've been getting many emails from gamers sending their thanks. Those thank you's made it worth all the effort.
As if I wasn't tempted enough to buy an Apple MacBook Pro, those nerds at Apple go and release software to allow their Intel Mac owners dual boot Windows XP. I think it's safe to say that there now is absolutely zero excuse for not owning a Mac. I'm thinking about saving up for one. =)
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