Naturally, all the talk has been about whether this is actually a good name for the console or not. To me, a name is just a name. Wii may sound silly as a console name, but the fact still remains that it is a Nintendo console that will have exclusive Nintendo titles. That's all that I ask from my Nintendo console. Nintendo could call it anything and I would still buy it at launch because you just can't get anything like Nintendo games on any other console out there.
It seems to me that people have also forgot the purpose of a name - to get consumers to remember the product when they go to buy something. The name has to be catchy and rememorable. Regardless of whether you like it or not, you will remember the Wii when you go to your local video game store. Nintendo FTW. That's right, FTW.

I don't know why, but I'm still excitied to get FF7: Advent Children on DVD later this week. I've seen it already... months ago when it should have been released, but wasn't for whatever stupid reason. My only guess is that seeing it as an .avi file will never be the same as watching it on DVD. I wish Amazon would hurry up and ship it to me.
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