Thursday, May 04, 2006


EA, in all it's wisdom, has stated that development for the Nintendo Wii/Revolution is very difficult thanks to it not being HD and not being as powerful as a PS3 or Xbox360. This is very hypocritical of EA, as they have previously stated that the reason for the craptacular Xbox360 launch titles was due to the difficulty in developing for the powerful platform. So what exactly is the reason for EA sucking major ass?

How can it be difficult to develop for the Wii/Revolution as it is basically a "Super GameCube"? My understanding is that the APIs have barely changed at all. Is HD gaming hard to develop for or not? Make up your damn mind and stop feeding us crap excuses to cover up for your laziness. Yeah, that's right, EA is the absolute laziest developer in the industry. The real reason why they make up crap that Wii/Revolution is hard to develop for is because they're too fucking lazy to think up how to effectively use the console's unique controller. Need evidence? Look at their Nintendo DS releases. Nothing original at all - just GBA ports with half-assed touch screen functionality added. Fucking lame.

EA has gone on record stating that Madden Wii/Revolution isn't a port but a unique title that will effectively use the controller. I wouldn't put my hopes up. EA is willing to say anything and everything in order to sell a game - even if it's for a platform the don't believe in.

I'm pleased to see that EA is losing money. I'm hoping that it's a sign that casual gamers are no longer satisfied with being fed the same rehashed games year after year. Maybe they're finally interested in trying something new, something different. In order for the industry to continue increasing their consumer base, the rehashes will have to go.

So EA, get off your ass and stop being lazy. It's damn time that you actually earn that money and praise.

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