Friday, May 05, 2006

Cell Phone Gaming? LOL

During a previous interview, I remember being told that cell phone games are going to be the wave of the future for gaming. As I said before in a previous blog post, there's no chance in hell of that ever happening. Earlier this week, Slashdot posted news that shows that I'm right. So I give a /golfclap to those poor people working for the cell phone gaming industry. You tried your best, and the only games that are selling are Tetris and Pac-Man. Woohoo.

Try as they might to convince people, the fact remains is that gamers aren't interested in gaming on phones. Hell, even the people I interviewed with admitted that they'd rather play a game on a console than on a cell phone. It is true that cell phone gaming is popular in Japan, but you have to figure in the fact that the main method of travel in Japan is public transit. That's a lot of free time for Japanese gamers to play portable games or read manga.

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