Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Online Fun

I recently got the chance to play Gears of War co-op via Xbox Live and I am very happy with the experience. Online play like this allows me to have a chance to play video games with my long-time friends up north in San Francisco.

I miss the good old days when I didn't have to worry that much about work and whatnot. I could just hang out with my friends and play video games all day. Those days are gone now, especially now when I'm living in So. Cal., and I miss having the chance to play the latest games with the guys. (I've known these guys for most of my life!)

Anyway, I wish there were more games that offered the option for online co-op. I'm glad there's plenty of competitive online gaming, but I'm usually getting my ass kicked. Sure, winning isn't everything, but last place all the time gets tiring after a while. (I want to play games online, not watch them!)

I also wish that Nintendo would hurry up and let developers get their hands on the Nintendo WiFi middleware. The earlier they have the toolsets, the sooner we'll have online gaming on the Wii.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl had better learn from other fighting games' online experiences. I don't want some crappy half-assed online modes.

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